Latest Episodes

Evidence for the Existence of an Intervening God
We have considered so much evidence that shows that evolution really is impossible. But is there an alternative to evolution? Or are we left...

Highly Qualified Scientists Reject Darwin's Theory
Maybe at some stage in your life, when you stopped to really think about what needed to happen for evolution to work, you suddenly...

The Big Bang Theory
In this program, we will travel back in time to the very beginning—to the Big Bang itself. Sound like an explosive topic? Actually, you...

Major Problems with Radiometric Dating
Figuring out the age of something in nature is not always an easy task. However, there is one dating method that scientists tell us...

Erosion & Sedimentation vs Radiometric Dating Ages
One of the big things that evolution needs is time, and lots of it! That’s why Charles Darwin was so intrigued and attracted to...

Historical Evidence for a Worldwide Flood
Last time we explored the geological evidence for a catastrophic global Flood. But of course, there are still animals and people living on Earth...